advanced divider

This wire rope belongs in the multi strand, rotation resistant classification and is used as hoisting wire rope. It is very flexible, 3-layer construction and is suitable for use on many crane brands installed on board.

35(W)X7 ropes are usually produced as drawn galvanized and internally & externally lubricated, which makes them corrosion resistant and endurable against the various harsh marine environment factors.

Construction according to the EN 12385 standard.

Dilligent production processes, raw material selection and quality contol in all stages of production ensure a long and trouble free service life.

Attention must be paid on the installation of the new rope on board, its running-in (bedding in) period and load and the inspection before and after every usage.

35x7 150


Technical Data

Nominal diameter Approx. weight Minimum breaking load
1770N/mm² 1960N/mm²
mm Kg/m kN
10 0.454 63.8 70.6
11 0.549 77.1 85.4
12 0.654 92.1 102
13 0.767 108 119
14 0.890 125 138
15 1.025 145 160
16 1.160 164 181
18 1.470 207 229
19 1.645 231 256
20 1.820 255 282
21 2.010 282 312
22 2.200 309 342
24 2.620 367 406
26 3.070 431 477
28 3.560 500 553
30 4.105 576 638
32 4.650 653 723
34 5.265 740 819
36 5.880 826 914
38 6.560 921 1020
40 7.260 1021 1130