HYPERSIX F - 6×37 Standard Fiber Core

advanced divider

Drawn galvanized standard wire rope (non rotation resistant with round wires), used in many applications eg, as cargo runner, hoisting, luffing, mooring, towing, anchoring etc. Also suitable for fabrication of steel wire rope slings for lifting operations.

Very flexible.

Construction according to DIN 3066 standard (1+6+12+18).

6x37FC 150


Technical Data

Nominal diameter Approx. weight Minimum breaking load
1770N/mm² 1960N/mm²
mm Kg/m KN
4.50 0.065 10.6 11.7
5.00 0.085 13.1 14.5
6.00 0.125 18.8 20.8
7.00 0.170 25.6 28.3
8.00 0.221 33.4 37.0
9.00 0.280 42.3 46.8
10.00 0.346 52.2 57.8
11.00 0.419 63.1 70.0
12.00 0.498 75.1 83.3
13.00 0.585 88.2 97.7
14.00 0.678 102 113
15.00 0.782 118 131
16.00 0.886 134 148
17.00 1.003 152 168
18.00 1.120 169 187
19.00 1.250 189 209
20.00 1.38 209 231
21.00 1.52 231 256
22.00 1.67 253 280
23.00 1.83 277 307
24.00 1.99 301 333
25.00 2.16 327 362
26.00 2.34 353 391
27.00 2.52 381 422
28.00 2.71 409 453
30.00 3.12 472 523
32.00 3.54 534 591
34.00 4.01 605 670
35.00 4.24 641 710
36.00 4.48 676 749
38.00 5.01 756 837
40.00 5.54 835 925
42.00 6.12 923 1022
44.00 6.70 1010 1118
45.00 7.01 1058 1172
46.00 7.33 1105 1224
47.00 7.65 1153 1277
48.00 7.97 1200 1329
50.00 8.66 1305 1445
51.00 9.01 1358 1504
52.00 9.36 1410 1561
54.00 10.10 1525 1689
55.00 10.50 1583 1753
56.00 10.90 1640 1816
57.00 11.30 1700 1882
58.00 11.70 1760 1949
59.00 12.10 1820 2015
60.00 12.50 1880 2082