Stud Link Chain Cable Accessories

advanced divider

Stud Link Chain Cable Accessories are essential parts for joining the studlink chain lengths with each other and with the anchor. All Stud Link Chain Cable Accessories are brand new and accompanied with IACS class certificates, for any type of vessel. Other accessories for different connections (swivel shackle. pear links etc) are also available on special order.

Kenter Joining Shackle


Anchor Shackle "D" Type

anchor shackle d type
chain link accessories 10 anchor shackle d

Swivel Forerunner

swivel forerunner
swivel links
chain link accessories 05 forerunners
chain link accessories 04 forerunners
chain link accessories 11 swivel shackles
advanced divider

Technical Data

mm kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg
20.5 1 3 4 0.8 1.1 1.1 8.11
22 2 4 4 0.9 1.2 1.3 9
24 2 5 5 1.2 1.7 1.8 11.5
26 3 6 8 1.6 2.2 2.2 16.2
28 4 8 11 1.9 2.8 2.9 21.4
30 4 9 11 2.4 3.2 3.3 23.1
32 5 11 15 2.9 3.9 4.0 30
34 6 14 19 3.4 4.7 5.0 37
36 7 16 19 4.0 5.5 5.9 40
38 8 18 37 24 4.7 6.1 6.8 48
40 9 20 41 24 5.5 7.1 8.0 52
42 11 25 52 32 6.4 8.4 9.6 65
44 13 27 58 39 7.4 10.0 11.2 78
46 14 30 63 39 8.5 11.5 13.0 84
48 15 34 69 49 9.8 13.1 15.0 100
50 18 41 80 57 11 15 17 115
52 20 45 90 57 13 17 20 124
54 20 50 100 67 14 19 22 141
56 24 54 100 67 16 21 23 148
58 28 65 128 80 17 23 25 168
60 28 70 140 95 19 25 27 191
62 33 76 140 95 21 28 30 202
64 38 82 155 112 23 31 34 231
66 38 94 180 130 25 34 38 261
68 44 101 180 130 27 37 42 273
70 44 108 200 152 30 40 45 307
73 51 124 250 172 34 45 52 348
76 58 141 315 194 40 50 59 393
78 65 150 315 194 42 55 63 409
81 74 171 375 220 46 61 70 458
84 84 193 425 242 52 68 78 508
87 94 218 475 270 58 75 86 564
90 105 243 540 300 64 82 95 623
92 105 256 570 325 68 88 100 669
95 115 290 610 350 75 98 112 733
97 135 305 610 350 80 102 120 754
100 150 335 680 385 88 112 130 827
102 150 350 770 420 93 120 138 891
107 175 410 830 495 109 140 158 1042
111 200 445 860 535 120 160 175 1150
114 225 475 900 570 130 173 193 1239
117 225 505 950 610 142 185 210 1332
122 267 550 1000 650 160 210 235 1465
127 315 600 1080 720 182 235 260 1632
132 370 675 1150 760 205 260 305 1790
137 390 750 1500 900 230 285 330 2030
142 450 900 1900 1100 255 325 375 2380
147 505 1055 2100 1200 280 395 410 2680
152 545 1200 2500 1400 310 410 460 2990
157 612 1550 2860 1590 345 455 510 3355
162 664 1700 3250 1760 379 500 560 3699