Cell Fenders

advanced divider

Cell fenders are a very old type of fender which still used extensively worldwide. Today’s structure is the result of continuous improvements, making it of high performance and strength but keeping also the same dimensions so as
 to be interchangeable with older cell types.

advanced divider
fenders cell D1 250
fenders cell D2 296

Dimensions (units: mm, kg)

H Φ W ΦΒ h d n-md WEIGHT
YGCH400H 400 650 550 25 30 4-M22 78
YGCH500H 500 650 550 25 32 4-M24 110
YGCH630H 630 840 700 30 39 4-M30 230
YGCH800H 800 1050 900 30 40 6-M33 410
YGCH1000H 1000 1300 1100 35 47 6-M39 820
YGCH1150H 1150 1500 1300 40 50 6-M42 1215
YGCH1250H 1250 1650 1450 45 53 6-M45 1490
YGCH1450H 1450 1850 1650 47 61 6-M52 2330
YGCH1600H 1600 2000 1800 50 61 8-M52 3020
YGCH1700H 1700 2100 1900 55 66 8-M56 3730
YGCH2000H 2000 2200 2000 55 74 8-M64 5260
YGCH2250H 2250 2550 2300 60 74 10-M64 7450
YGCH2500H 2500 2950 2700 70 74 10-M64 10750
YGCH3000H 3000 3350 3150 85 90 12-M76 18600

Technical Data

E/A: KN-m rated defle- ction 52.5% max. defle- ction 55% rated defle- ction 52.5% max. defle- ction 55% rated defle- ction 52.5% max. defle- ction 55% rated defle- ction 52.5% max. defle- ction 55% rated defle- ction 52.5% max. defle- ction 55%
YGCH400H R 51 59 64 75 83 97 96 113 110 125
E 9 9.5 11 12 14 15 17 18 19 21
YGCH500H R 86 99 108 125 140 160 162 187 182 210
E 18 19 23 25 30 32 36 38 40 43
YGCH630H R 138 147 172 182 224 237 258 274 290 309
E 38 40 48 50 62 67 72 76 80 85
YGCH800H R 211 225 275 292 355 378 412 437 464 493
E 75 78 98 102 125 132 145 153 163 173
YGCH1000H R 349 372 436 463 567 603 655 696 737 784
E 153 163 195 203 249 264 287 304 324 343
YGCH1150H R 462 491 578 614 750 798 865 920 975 1037
E 233 247 297 309 379 401 437 463 492 521
YGCH1250H R 546 581 682 725 886 942 1022 1087 1153 1225
E 299 316 382 396 486 516 561 594 632 669
YGCH1450H R 735 781 918 976 1193 1269 1376 1464 1551 1649
E 468 495 596 619 760 804 876 928 987 1045
YGCH1600H R 894 950 1117 1189 1453 1544 1676 1781 1888 2007
E 628 665 801 832 1020 1080 1177 1247 1326 1405
YGCH1700H R 1009 1073 1262 1342 1640 1743 1892 2012 2131 2266
E 753 798 960 997 1224 1300 1413 1495 1591 1685
YGCH2000H R 1398 1485 1746 1856 2270 2413 2619 2783 2941 3136
E 1227 1299 1564 1624 1994 2111 2300 2435 2591 2743
YGCH2250H R 2085 2216 2454 2607 3188 3390 3679 3911 4145 4406
E 2060 2180 2472 2566 3150 3336 3628 3848 4095 4337
YGCH2500H R 2574 2737 3028 3220 3937 4182 4543 4829 5118 5441
E 2826 2992 3391 3520 4322 4576 4987 5280 5618 5349
YGCH3000H R 3750 4217 4482 5099
E 4300 4635 5160 5510