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At Katradis Marine Ropes Industry, we offer a premium range of High-Performance Shackles designed for mooring, towing, lifting, and aquaculture operations. Our shackles are engineered for both commercial and non-critical applications, ensuring durability, strength, and safety in various marine and industrial environments.

Types of Shackles We Offer

  • Screw Pin Shackles – Available in “D” and Bow Type, ideal for temporary connections.
  • Bolt, Nut & Cotter Pin Safety Shackles – Featuring an alloy pin for extra security and long-term use.
  • Specialty Shackles – Custom-designed alloy pin shackles to meet specific operational requirements.

Applications of Our Shackles

  • Marine & Offshore Operations – Safe and secure mooring and towing
  • Heavy Lifting & Rigging – Suitable for industrial lifting applications
  • Aquaculture & Fishing – Dependable performance in harsh conditions
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Alloy pin shackles

Crafted from alloy steel pins and high-carbon, hot-dip galvanized bodies, Katradis HP Shackles offer proven superior durability and corrosion resistance. With a 6:1 safety factor (MBL to WLL ratio), these shackles offer an increased safety level for a long service time for any applications used as long as operation, storage, inspection & maintenance are properly conducted. Each shackle is proof load tested at 2:1 of its WLL and permanently marked for easy selection.

Key Features:                                 

  • Durability: Built for harsh marine environments.
  • Versatility: Ideal for mooring, lifting, and securing chains or rope slings.
  • Safety Compliance: Test certificates included for every shackle.                                        

For optimal performance (100% WLL), forces should always remain perpendicular to the pin to ensure full utilization of the WLL. For vertical and angled loading please choose anchor shackle (Bow type), chain shackle (“D” type) is for vertical loading only (00 angle to the vertical).

Sideways loading (forces perpendicular to the shackle’s body sides {parallel to the pin}) is not recommended.

Temperature will affect shackle’s WLL.


g209 shackle omega
shackle g209 drawing
Nominal Size (in.) D   Weight Each (kg) Dimensions (mm) Working Load Limit (tons)
3/16 0,03 9,65 6,35 22,4 4,85 15,2 14,2 24,9 37,3 4,06 28,4 4,85 0,33
1/4 0,05 11,9 7,85 28,7 6,35 19,8 15,5 32,5 46,7 4,85 35,1 6,35 0,50
5/16 0,09 13,5 9,65 31,0 7,85 21,3 19,1 37,3 53,0 5,60 42,2 7,85 0,75
3/8 0,14 16,8 11,2 36,6 9,65 26,2 23,1 45,2 63,0 6,35 51,5 9,65 1
7/16 0,17 19,1 12,7 42,9 11,2 29,5 26,9 51,5 74,0 7,85 60,5 11,2 1,5
1/2 0,33 20,6 16,0 47,8 12,7 33,3 30,2 58,5 83,5 9,65 68,5 12,7 2,0
5/8 0,62 26,9 19,1 60,5 16,0 42,9 38,1 74,5 106 11,2 85,0 17,5 3,25
3/4 1,07 31,8 22,4 71,5 19,1 51,0 46,0 89,0 126 12,7 101 20,6 4,75
7/8 1,64 36,6 25,4 84,0 22,4 58,0 53,0 102 148 12,7 114 24,6 6,5
1 2,28 42,9 28,7 95,5 25,4 68,5 60,5 119 167 14,2 129 26,9 8,5
1-1/8 3,36 46,0 31,8 108 29,5 74,0 68,5 131 190 16,0 142 31,8 9,5
1-1/4 4,31 51,5 35,1 119 32,8 82,5 76,0 146 210 17,5 156 35,1 12
1-3/8 6,14 57,0 38,1 133 36,1 92,0 84,0 162 233 19,1 174 38,1 13,5
1-1/2 7,80 60,5 41,4 146 39,1 98,5 92,0 175 254 20,6 187 41,1 17
1-3/4 12,6 73,0 51,0 178 46,7 127 106 225 313 25,4 231 57,0 25
2 20,4 82,5 57,0 197 53,0 146 122 253 348 31,0 263 61,0 35
2-1/2 38,9 105 70,0 267 69,0 184 145 327 453 35,1 330 79,5 55
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g210 shackle d type
shackle g210 drawing
  Nominal Size (in.) D   Weight Each (kg) Dimensions (mm) Working Load Limit (tons)
1/4 0,05 11,9 7,85 6,35 6,35 24,6 15,5 22,4 40,4 4,85 35,1 0,50
5/16 0,08 13,5 9,65 7,85 7,85 29,5 19,1 26,2 48,5 5,60 42,2 0,75
3/8 0,13 16,8 11,2 9,65 9,65 35,8 23,1 31,8 58,5 6,35 51,5 1
7/16 0,20 19,1 12,7 11,2 11,2 41,4 26,9 36,6 67,5 7,85 60,5 1,5
1/2 0,27 20,6 16,0 12,7 12,7 46,0 30,2 41,4 77,0 9,65 68,5 2,0
5/8 0,57 26,9 19,1 15,7 16,0 58,5 38,1 51,0 95,5 11,2 85,0 3,25
3/4 1,20 31,8 22,4 20,6 19,1 70,0 46,0 60,5 115 12,7 101 4,75
7/8 1,43 36,6 25,4 24,6 22,4 81,0 53,0 71,5 135 12,7 114 6,5
1 2,15 42,9 28,7 25,4 25,4 93,5 60,5 81,0 151 14,2 129 8,5
1-1/8 3,06 46,0 31,8 31,8 28,7 103 68,5 91,0 172 16,0 142 9,5
1-1/4 4,11 51,5 35,1 35,1 31,8 115 76,0 100 191 17,5 156 12
1-3/8 5,28 57,0 38,1 38,1 35,1 127 84,0 111 210 19,1 174 13,5
1-1/2 7,23 60,5 41,4 41,1 38,1 137 92,0 122 230 20,6 187 17
1-3/4 12,1 73,0 51,0 54,0 44,5 162 106 146 279 25,4 231 25
2 19,2 82,5 57,0 60,0 51,0 184 122 172 312 31,0 263 35
2-1/2 32,5 105 70,0 66,5 66,5 238 145 203 377 35,1 330 55
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g2130 shackle alloy omega
shackle g2130 drawing
Nominal Size (in.) D   Weight Each (kg) Dimensions (mm) Working Load Limit (tons)
3/16 0,03 9,65 6,35 22,4 4,85 15,2 14,2 37,3 24,9 4,85 0,33
1/4 0,05 11,9 7,85 28,7 6,35 19,8 15,5 46,7 32,5 6,35 0,50
5/16 0,10 13,5 9,65 31,0 7,85 21,3 19,1 53,0 37,3 7,85 0,75
3/8 0,15 16,8 11,2 36,6 9,65 26,2 23,1 63,0 45,2 9,65 1
7/16 0,22 19,1 12,7 42,9 11,2 29,5 26,9 74,0 51,5 11,2 1,5
1/2 0,36 20,6 16,0 47,8 12,7 33,3 30,2 83,5 58,5 12,7 2,0
5/8 0,62 26,9 19,1 60,5 16,0 42,9 38,1 106 74,5 17,5 3,25
3/4 1,23 31,8 22,4 71,5 19,1 51,0 46,0 126 89,0 20,6 4,75
7/8 1,79 36,6 25,4 84,0 22,4 58,0 53,0 148 102 24,6 6,5
1 2,28 42,9 28,7 95,5 25,4 68,5 60,5 167 119 26,9 8,5
1-1/8 3,75 46,0 31,8 108 28,7 74,0 68,5 190 131 31,8 9,5
1-1/4 5,31 51,5 35,1 119 31,8 82,5 76,0 210 146 35,1 12
1-3/8 7,18 57,0 38,1 133 35,1 92,0 84,0 233 162 38,1 13,5
1-1/2 9,43 60,5 41,4 146 38,1 98,5 92,0 254 175 41,1 17
1-3/4 15,4 73,0 51,0 178 44,5 127 106 313 225 57,0 25
2 23,7 82,5 57,0 197 51,0 146 122 348 253 61,0 35
2-1/2 44,6 105 70,0 267 66,5 184 145 453 327 79,5 55
3 70 127 82,5 330 76,0 200 165 546 365 92,0 85
3-1/2 120 133 95,5 372 92,0 229 203 626 419 105 120
4 153 140 108 368 104 254 229 653 468 116 150
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g2150 shackle alloy d
shackle g2150 drawing
  Nominal Size (in.) D   Weight Each (kg) Dimensions (mm) Working Load Limit (tons)
1/4 0,06 11,9 7,85 6,35 15,5 19,1 40,4 24,6 39,6 6,35 0,50
5/16 0,10 13,5 9,65 7,85 19,1 25,4 48,5 29,5 46,2 7,85 0,75
3/8 0,15 16,8 11,2 9,65 23,1 31,0 58,5 35,8 55,0 9,65 1
7/16 0,22 19,1 12,7 11,2 26,9 36,1 67,5 41,1 63,5 11,2 1,5
1/2 0,34 20,6 16,0 12,7 30,2 41,4 77,0 46,0 71,0 12,7 2,0
5/8 0,67 26,9 19,1 16,0 38,1 51,0 95,5 58,5 89,5 16,0 3,25
3/4 1,14 31,8 22,4 19,1 46,0 60,5 115 70,0 103 20,6 4,75
7/8 1,74 36,6 25,4 22,4 53,0 71,5 135 81,0 120 24,6 6,5
1 2,52 42,9 28,7 25,4 60,5 81,0 151 93,5 135 25,4 8,5
1-1/8 3,45 46,0 31,8 28,7 68,5 91,0 172 103 150 31,8 9,5
1-1/4 4,90 51,5 35,1 31,8 76,0 100 191 115 165 35,1 12
1-3/8 6,24 57,0 38,1 35,1 84,0 111 210 127 183 38,1 13,5
1-1/2 8,39 60,5 41,4 38,1 92,0 122 230 137 196 41,1 17
1-3/4 14,2 73,0 51,0 44,5 106 146 279 162 230 54,0 25
2 21,2 82,5 57,0 51,0 122 172 312 184 264 60,0 35
2-1/2 38,6 105 70,0 66,5 145 203 377 238 344 66,5 55
3 56 127 82,5 76,0 165 216 429 279 419 89,0 85
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Commercial shackles

These shackles have equal sized pin and body. They are manufactured from mild steel which is left untreated, in grade 30, with galvanized finish. Not suitable for lifting operations. Fairly resilient and long-lasting in typical environments. With typical screw pin for securing. This makes them both easy to use and quick to fasten or unfasten. For applications where the shackle regularly needs to be removed or repositioned for whatever reason, this could be an advantage. Available in “D” & Bow types.


d type shackle d2
shackle d type drawing
SWL D d a c b Weight per 100 pce
kg mm mm mm mm mm kg
80 5 5 10 19 11 1,9
100 6 6 13 25 14 3,4
200 8 8 16 32 18 7
320 10 10 19 38 20 13
520 12 12 25 51 26 24
800 16 16 32 64 33 50
1100 20 20 38 76 40 80
1500 22 22 44 89 50 130
2100 25 25 51 100 57 200
3000 28 28 57 115 68 300
3500 32 32 64 127 73 430
5000 38 38 76 152 85 675
7000 45 45 90 180 96 1250
8000 50 50 102 200 108 1750
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bow type shackle omega3
shackle bow type drawing
SWL D d a c r d Approx 100 pce/WT
kg mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
80 5 5 10 19 8 11 1,9
100 6 6 13 25 10 14 3,4
200 8 8 16 32 12 18 7
320 10 10 19 38 16 20 13
520 12 12 25 51 19 26 26
800 16 16 32 64 28 33 50
1100 20 20 38 76 33 40 80
1500 22 22 44 89 37 50 130
2100 25 25 51 100 40 57 200
3000 28 28 57 115 47 68 310
3500 32 32 64 127 52 73 430
5000 38 38 76 152 63 85 700
7000 45 45 90 180 75 96 1250
8000 50 50 102 200 78 108 1750
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Shackle Precautions

shackle precautions 1
Side Loading Reduction Chart
For Screw Pin and Bolt Type Shackles
Angle of Side Load from
Vertical In-Line of shackle
 Adjusted Working Load Limit
0° In-Line *100% of Rated Working Load Limit
45° from In-Line *70% of Rated Working Load Limit
90° from In-Line *50% of Rated Working Load Limit

*  In-Line load is applied perpendicular to pin.

shackle precautions 2