HYPERSTRONG 8C - 8strand Compacted

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Compacted • 8-Strand • Inner Plastified Wire ropes (8xK26WS + EPIWRC)

This wire rope belongs in the non rotation resistant classification but its strands are compacted and it is used mainly as luffing wire rope on high efficiency ship & harbour mobile cranes, container bridge cranes, overhead travelling hoists, mineral loading cranes.

It is an 8-strand construction, very flexible and suitable for use on many crane brands installed on board.

8strand compacted wire rope

Main advantages

Compacted Strand & Inner Plastified

The 8C wire rope belongs in the non rotation resistant classification but its strands are compacted and is used mainly as luffing wire rope on the high efficiency ship & harbour mobile cranes.

It is an 8-strand construction, very flexible and is suitable for use on many crane brands installed on board.

The 8C wire ropes are usually produced as drawn galvanized and internally and externally lubricated, which makes them corrosion resistant and endurable against the various harsh marine environment factors.

Additionally, these ropes are produced with an extruded inner plastic layer, which ensures water impermeability and elimination of point contact between wires & strands of the inner and outer layers. This extra protection from corrosion and inner contact, prolongs the useful service life of the ropes.

Dilligent production processes, raw material selection and quality contol in all stages of production ensure a long and trouble free service life.

Compacting technology reduces the size and increases the breaking strength. Please read more on advantages of compacted wire ropes.

evolution Q8 photo


Technical Data

Nominal diameter Approx. weight Minimum breaking load
1770N/mm² 1960N/mm² 2160N/mm²
mm Kg/m kN
10 0.46 79 87 96
11 0.55 95 105 115
12 0.69 114 126 139
13 0.81 137 152 168
14 0.93 159 176 194
15 1.06 182 201 222
16 1.20 206 229 252
17 1.35 233 258 284
18 1.55 260 288 318
19 1.71 294 326 359
20 1.89 324 359 395
21 2.15 363 401 442
22 2.34 396 439 484
23 2.54 433 480 529
24 2.75 462 512 564
25 2.97 508 562 620
26 3.19 546 605 667
27 3.51 588 651 717
28 3.76 640 708 781
28.6 3.90 659 730 804
29 4.03 682 755 832
30 4.30 740 819 903
32 4.90 842 932 1027
34 5.59 936 1036 1142
36 6.26 1055 1168 1287
38 6.96 1195 1323 1458
40 7.71 1312 1453 1601
42 8.45 1449 1604 1768
44 9.27 1573 1742 1920