HYPERLIFT 6S - 6×19 Steel Core (IWRC)

advanced divider

Standard wire rope. Mainly used for elevators and fishing operations. 

Construction according to EN 12385 standard.

Class 6×19

  • 6×19 S+ IWRC (1-9-9)
  • 6x19W+IWRC (1-6-6+6)
  • 6x25F+IWRC (or 6x19F+IWRC) (1-6-6F-12)
  • 6x26WS+IWRC (1-5-5-5-10)
6x19Class1FillerIWRC 150
6x19Class2SealeIWRC 150


User's Manual

Technical Data

Nominal diameter Approx. weight Minimum breaking load
1770N/mm² 1960N/mm²
mm Kg/m KN
6.00 0.144 22.7 25.1
7.00 0.196 30.9 34.2
8.00 0.256 40.3 44.7
9.00 0.324 51.0 56.5
10.00 0.400 63.0 69.8
11.00 0.484 76.2 84.4
12.00 0.576 90.7 100.4
13.00 0.676 106 118
14.00 0.784 124 137
15.00 0.902 143 158
16.00 1.020 161 179
17.00 1.16 183 203
18.00 1.30 204 226
19.00 1.45 228 252
20.00 1.60 252 279
21.00 1.77 279 309
22.00 1.94 305 338
24.00 2.30 363 402
25.00 2.50 395 437
26.00 2.70 426 472
27.00 2.92 460 509
28.00 3.14 494 547
29.00 3.38 532 589
30.00 3.62 570 631
32.00 4.10 645 715
34.00 4.64 731 809
35.00 4.91 774 857
36.00 5.18 817 904
38.00 5.79 914 1012
40.00 6.40 1010 1120
42.00 7.07 1115 1235
44.00 7.74 1220 1350