HYPERMAX 6S - 6×36 WS Steel Core (IWRC)

advanced divider

Drawn galvanized standard wire rope (non rotation resistant with round wires), used in many applications eg, as cargo runner, hoisting, luffing, mooring, towing, anchoring etc.

Also suitable for fabrication of steel wire rope slings for lifting operations.

The independent wire rope core provides more strength and stability to the wire rope compared to fibre core. Parallel lay construction, long lifetime.

Strongly recommended by OCIMF for mooring of tanker, LNG & LPG vessels.

Construction according to EN 12385 standard.

Class 6×36

  • 6x31WS+IWRC (1-6-6+6-12)
  • 6x36WS+ IWRC (1-7-7+7-14)
  • 6x41WS+ IWRC (1-8-8+8-16)
  • 6x46WS+ IWRC (1-9-9+9-18)
  • 6x49WS+ IWRC (1-8-8-8+8-16)
6x36IWRC 150


User's Manual

Technical Data

Nominal diameter Approx. weight Minimum breaking load
1770N/mm² 1960N/mm²
mm Kg/m KN
12 0.589 90.7 100
14 0.802 124 137
16 1.050 161 179
18 1.330 204 226
20 1.640 252 279
22 1.980 305 338
24 2.360 363 402
26 2.760 426 472
28 3.210 494 547
30 3.700 570 631
32 4.190 645 715
34 4.750 731 810
36 5.300 817 904
38 5.920 914 1012
40 6.540 1010 1120
42 7.230 1115 1235
44 7.920 1220 1350
46 8.670 1335 1480
48 9.420 1450 1610
50 10.260 1575 1750
52 11.100 1700 1890
54 11.950 1840 2060
56 12.800 1980 2190
58 13.750 2125 2350
60 14.700 2270 2510

Large diameters

Nominal diameter Approx. weight Minimum breaking load
mm Kg/m KN
62 15.95 2660
64 17.00 2800
66 18.20 2970
68 19.20 3100
70 20.50 3300
72 22.00 3500
74 22.40 3650
76 24.00 3800
78 25.30 4000
80 27.00 4200