HYPERSIX S - 6×37 Standard Steel Core (IWRC)

advanced divider

Drawn galvanized standard wire rope (non rotation resistant with round wires), used in many applications eg, as cargo runner, hoisting, luffing, mooring, towing, anchoring etc. Also suitable for fabrication of steel wire rope slings for lifting operations.

The independent wire rope core provides more strength and stability to the wire rope compared to fibre core.

Very flexible.

Construction according to DIN 3066 standard (1+6+12+18).

6x37IWRC 150


Technical Data

Nominal diameter Approx. weight Minimum breaking load
1770N/mm² 1960N/mm²
mm Kg/m KN
4.50 0.077 11.4 12.7
5.00 0.095 14.1 15.6
6.00 0.13 20.3 22.5
7.00 0.18 27.6 30.6
8.00 0.24 36.1 40.0
9.00 0.30 45.7 50.6
10.00 0.38 56.4 62.5
11.00 0.46 68.2 75.5
12.00 0.54 81.2 89.9
13.00 0.64 95.2 105.4
14.00 0.74 110 122
15.00 0.86 127 141
16.00 0.97 144 159
17.00 1.10 164 182
18.00 1.23 183 203
19.00 1.37 204 226
20.00 1.52 225 249
21.00 1.68 249 276
22.00 1.84 273 302
23.00 2.01 299 331
24.00 2.19 325 360
25.00 2.38 353 391
26.00 2.57 381 422
27.00 2.77 412 456
28.00 2.98 442 489
30.00 3.44 510 565
32.00 3.90 577 639
34.00 4.42 654 724
35.00 4.67 692 766
36.00 4.93 730 808
38.00 5.51 816 904
40.00 6.09 902 999
42.00 6.73 996 1103
44.00 7.37 1090 1207
45.00 7.72 1143 1266
46.00 8.07 1195 1323
47.00 8.42 1248 1382
48.00 8.77 1300 1440
50.00 9.53 1410 1561
51.00 9.91 1465 1622
52.00 10.3 1520 1683
54.00 11.1 1645 1822
55.00 11.5 1708 1891
56.00 11.9 1770 1960
57.00 12.3 1835 2032
58.00 12.8 1900 2104
59.00 13.2 1965 2176
60.00 13.7 2030 2248